Exploration of Aesthetic Values iranstion of English

    Literature Between a and the Uates


    Transtion of literature is not a mere linguistic transfer, but also

    aer of different cultures ahetics. When it es to the

    transtion of English literature between a and the Uates,

    the task bees even more plex due to the vast differences in

    cultural, historical, ahetic backgrounds. This paper aims to

    explore the underlyihetic values and the impact of cultural

    factors oranstion of English literature between a and the


    1. Cultural Factors in Transtion

    Transtion of literature involves the interpy of multiple cultural

    factors that shape the aesthetic values embedded in a work. Culture

    determines one,s perception, uanding, and appreciation of

    literature. When transting English literature into ese, it is

    important to sider the cultural aspects that may differ between the

    two nguages. For example, ese culture pces more emphasis on

    harmony, collectivism, and traditions, while Ameri culture tends to

    prioritize individualism, independence, and innovation. These cultural

    differences have a direflueranstion of works,

    especially ing the choice of words, seures, and